Gaia Organics Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Good Grade Dilution 500ml



The following information purposes only and is not to offer a cure or treat any ailment of any kind.Consult your medical practitioner if unsure. *Not available outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa*.

Hydrogen Peroxide nebulization has been reported to be helpful in preventing and treating respiratory infections.  The information below is a STRICT GUIDELINE and is for information purposes only, and is not intended to treat or diagnose any illness or infection.

For Nebulising: 5ml’s of 3% (already diluted) solution in a humidifier/steamer, serving as an atmospheric sterilizing oxygenator.
If you have undiluted 35% Food-Grade concentrate, use 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide in a 60ml water/saline solution.  Note that adding 1-3 drops of food-grade H202 in a 250ml glass of water will liberate the body with oxygen. No bacteria or virus can live in an environment that is high in oxygen.

Nebulise with Hydrogen Peroxide 35% FG 1 drop undiluted H202 = .05mls

“Nebulize with (suggested 1 drop) of Hydrogen Peroxide mixed into the nebulizer ampule (+- 60ml) with lukewarm boiled or distilled water. This should kill any bacteria that it comes in contact with on the immediate nasal and throat contact areas, as well as in the lungs. It will also purge excess mucus which at this stage will contain the bulk of any new pathogens attempting to enter the respiratory tract. I mix it in the previously discussed solution of salt and xylitol. This should be done at the end of the day to ensure that all pathogens accumulated during the day be removed from the body. “Specifically, Hydrogen Peroxide works in three ways. The primary effect is in loosening and purging mucus. In doing so, viruses and bacteria is also purged.  The secondary effect is that it is an effective germ killer as mentioned before. The tertiary effect is that it induces mild Oxidative Stress which usually results in cell death, but paradoxically activates a gene that increases cellular life. Small amounts which do not initially overwhelm cells, and thus would have the opposite effect i.e. cell death, are therefore important”.

Fore more information, click here

This information is for educational purposes only.  It is not medical advice or here for recommending any specific treatment or cure.  You should discuss any potential treatments with your healthcare professional.


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