H2O2 is found naturally in very low concentrations (i.e. highly diluted) in rain and seawater, raw seeds, sprouts, fruits and vegetables and mothers’ milk. H2O2 is formed when for example: ether is exposed to sunlight, when a hydrogen-oxygen flame impinges on ice and when water in a quartz vessel is exposed to ultraviolet light. Food grade H2O2 is stable at 35% (130 vol.) and is therefore free of the stabilisers, preservatives and other contaminants, normally not considered a problem in the commercial 3-9% (10-30 vol.) solutions used as skin antiseptics and hair bleaches, which are not suitable for human consumption. H2O2 (1-15 drops per glass of water) serves as an effective drinking water disinfectant against unicellular pathogens without the high toxicity of chlorine compounds and their by-products, which H2O2 neutralizes by oxidation thereof, and is especially synergistic / efficacious combined with colloidal silver.
Food grade 35% H2O2, suitably diluted below the maximum oral strength of 0.25% (15 drops/glass water) is perfectly harmless at this dilution, provided it is consumed on a relatively empty stomach. If it reacts with food residues, extra water should be drunk to increase dilution. A 0.25% dilution has a large safety margin, being 6 times less than the maximum appearing in the health advocacy literature and 12-24 times milder than the 3-6% commercial products, ingestion of which (3-6%) would cause no problem other than possible mucous membrane & gastro-intestinal irritation. Higher concentrations such as 35% are considered corrosive and must be treated as such at all times. So safe is a 0.25% dilution that beneficial acidophilus intestinal bacteria are not threatened, since they use H2O2 to control their natural enemy, Candida albicans, and the H2O2 decomposes to water and oxygen in the bowel before absorption. An important caution is to avoid oral H2O2 even remotely before or after consuming oral iron. Do not mix with any other chemical, since the result could be explosive and cause serious bodily injury.
The oxygen super-saturation dilution to 0.25%, 6 times daily between meals (1hr before & 2hrs after) relates to a dilution of 15 drops (1ml.) of 35% in a full (250ml.) glass of water, but should be started with 3 drops and increased by 1 drop, 6 times daily towards the 15 drop target and reduced at any stage to a level that one feels comfortable with before increasing again. With doses over 5 drops, rinse the mouth with water to avoid any likelihood of decalcifying tooth substance. Five drops in a glass of water corresponds to the 0.1% maximally permissible, highly efficacious, oral hygiene strength and also represents the lowest dilution capable of producing systemic oxygen saturation orally (15 drops for super saturation) and has the advantage of being suitable for more frequent consumption and not requiring an empty stomach, in which case 8 drops, 12 times daily between meals and before retiring is a softer option. H2O2 tastes obnoxious at the higher levels mentioned, serving as a precaution against inappropriate use. It is recommended that any regimen using oral H2O2, also include the regular consumption of green tea.
Suggested uses for 3% strength (35ml H2O2 to 500ml water) in a 500ml hand-pump atomizer include: sterilization and chemical detoxification of fruit and vegetables; crockery, cutlery, chopping boards and kitchen sinks and surfaces. (Wait a few minutes, the longer the better, before rinsing. Dry off all metalics to prevent rusting). The presence of micro-organisms is detectable by a micro-foaming action which is audible at close ear range and a useful indicator of trouble hotspots. Can be sprayed on the body and rinsed off before or once irritation becomes perceptible. (A good antiseptic skin damage monitor – all bacterial pockets will prickle and present as whitened effervescence on or under the skin, indicative of biological oxidative disinfection). |