For all of you who perhaps thought that NATURALLY OCCURING (every plant contains it) CAFFEINE  is bad for you  such as SYNTHETICALLY MODIFIED INSTANT COFFEE ………… read on …………..

The pharmacological action of green tea caffeine (lower than  regular tea) is so modified by the interaction with VITAMIN C polyphenols,  that the beneficial properties of organically grown (without pesticides and inorganic fertilizers) GREEN TEA is massive and this is why Natural Caffeine is actually good for you :  Benefits of Green Tea  include

*vasodilator (very good for high cholestrol)



*fluid balance restoration following vomiting or diarrhoea,

*assisting recovery of mental depression

*provides alertness without loss of tranquility, stimulation of mental alacrity with out any “spiking” effects

*relief of mental and muscular fatigue,

*enhancement of liver-metabolism and gastro-intestinal secretion,

*aiding digestion and relieving gout (drink green tea after your meals)


*weight loss

as well as promoting circulation and improving bronchial asthma and cardiac oedema,


All of these benefits may be enjoyed without harmful side-effects.


“Polyphenols, which comprise 30-40% of green tea, have demonstrated significant antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, thermogenic, probiotic and antimicrobial properties in numerous human, animal and in vitro studies


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