Parabens part 1 : the quickest way of getting them into your body is to eat them?

Iblue and strawberriesn 2004 and 2009 studies were conducted examining the links between breast cancer cells and Parabens being present in the cell tissue led researchers to speculate that Parabens in deodorants reached breast cells in tissues. However the study neglected to resolve some outstanding questions :

For instance, researchers DID NOT prove that Parabens CAUSED breast cancer. The study SIMPLY found that Parabens were present, without explanation of what caused them to appear in breast cancer cells. These researchers also did NOT examine levels of Parabens found in healthy cells, or compare them to the levels of Parabens in breast cancer cells. Nor did they determine where the Parabens in breast cancer cells came from.

No study has been able to show that Parabens or the use of skin care products or cosmetics that contain Parabens directly cause or increase the risk of breast cancer. For this link to be determined many more large studies will need to be conducted.

Mainstream media subsequently vilified Parabens leading to 100’s if not 1000’s of companies to phase out Parabens as preservatives altogether as a precautionary. These studies have since been brought into question and various regulatory bodies and cancer charities have come out with firm statements to say that Parabens DO NOT CAUSE CANCER Ref. Cancer Research UK and the American Cancer Society.

What many people fail to notice and if one had to closer look at Parabens on their own, many are found in numerous plants around the world. This finding makes perfect sense of course as plants have evolved ANTI MICROBIAL AGENTS in order to protect them from natural fungal or microbial attack. Plants which are particularly well known for their naturally occurring Parabens include :

Blueberries, Mango, Barley, Strawberries, Black Current, Peaches, Carrots, Onions, Coco Beans, Vanilla, Almonds, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli, Garlic, Soya beans, Sunflower seeds, Thyme, Tumeric, Coffee, Banana, Apple, Chick peas OILS : Olive oil, Safflower, Wheat-germ, Soya Bean oil, Peanut Oil, Coconut oil.

So therefore, if a product contains Coconut oil and declares themselves “Paraben Free” would this product be truly Paraben free or not ?

In fact, according to researcher Anthony Dweck’s Paraben Compendium, 4-hydroxylbenzoic acid which forms the BASIS of Parabens is the most WIDELY DISTRIBUTED AROMATIC ORGANIC ACID in the vegetable kingdom. For a Paraben to make it all the way into your body via Personal Care products is a LONG AND DIFFICULT ROUTE.

This does not mean Parabens don’t absorb into your body but it’s not the most direct route to get there. If you wanted to get Parabens into your body quicker, you’d EAT them.

Many consumers put a lot of effort into avoiding Parabens in their skin care at all costs, only to be ingesting seemingly large quantities in their food and drink.

In conclusion GAIA PRODUCTS ARE 100% SAFE AND NATURE IDENTICAL, without the use of any single synthetic or chemically harmful ingredient. Our longstanding research and efficacy of our products spanning a 25 year trade in the industry has proven that.

CLAUDIA WANTLING – DIRECTORblueberries and mangoes